Maximum Stay:
29 Days
4:00 PM
11:00 AM
Cancellation & Refund Policy
95% refund if more than 30 days notice, 75% if 7-30 days notice, 50% 2-7 days notice. No refund 48 hours before arrival. Full refund for cancelled nights rebooked.
95% refund if more than 30 days notice, 75% if 7-30 days notice, 50% 2-7 days notice. No refund 48 hours before arrival. Full refund for cancelled nights rebooked.
House Rules
Yosemite Valley View allows a maximum of eight (8) occupants (includes adults & children). Parking is authorized for a maximum of three (3) cars at any one time. All extra guests that are not part of your original booking must be declared before your arrival. California Penal Code Section 537 makes it a crime to defraud the Innkeeper, and having more people in the house than h
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Yosemite Valley View allows a maximum of eight (8) occupants (includes adults & children). Parking is authorized for a maximum of three (3) cars at any one time. All extra guests that are not part of your original booking must be declared before your arrival. California Penal Code Section 537 makes it a crime to defraud the Innkeeper, and having more people in the house than have been registered is included in the provisions of this code. No weddings or house parties.